Week 15: September 7, 2017

Another Farm Season Behold the beginning of winter squash season. If you are not already, it is time to become a fan of winter squash. It can easily be considered a superhero in the CSA share for its nutrient overdose and health food classification, but also in the field when it’s not even being consumed Continue reading >>

Week 14: August 31, 2017

Fall Harvest is Upon Us One might assume that things get slower and easier on a CSA farm in the fall, but this is when we do a lot of heavy lifting. Our average first frost is the second week in September and while some crops are sweetened and improved by light frost, others are Continue reading >>

Week 13: August 24, 2017

A Growing Passion Hello, We Growians! Intern Racheal Here! As I am packing up my bags and getting ready to make the lengthy haul to the UW-River Falls campus for the school year, I am becoming a bit sappy knowing my days at We Grow are soon coming to an end. When Rebecca and Eric Continue reading >>

Week 12: August 17, 2017

Working Energy In discussing employees with our fellow CSA farmers this week, we realized that we an amazing crew at We Grow. Growing food for people is not a glorious job. Farming is often romanticized by media, but when it gets right down to it, we are mucking through the dirt and busting our rears Continue reading >>

Week 11: August 10, 2017

Keeping Time How different would life be without clocks and the keeping of accurate time? We watched a public television program about the origins of the clock and it turns out that people had no reason to keep track of what time it was until maps of the seas began being used for navigation. Before Continue reading >>

Week 10: August 3, 2017

There is hope for a good bean crop yet! Better late than never. In years past, we’ve loathed bean picking season. As we were out in the field this spring planting 1,000 row feet more than we’ve ever planted, our workers were joking about calling in sick on bean picking days for it is a Continue reading >>

Week 9: July 27, 2017

Overfed But Starving A quote by Daniel Vitalis came up that read “our people are overfed, but they are also starving to death.” It fits we into our topic of nutrition in relation to agriculture this week. It’s hard to imagine, but we went well over a week without any precipitation here at We Grow Continue reading >>

Week 8: July 20, 2017

For Love of Tomatoes A new season started this week at We Grow, tomato season. We will pick these delicious, versatile fruits every three days, now through first frost. Some days we will harvest upwards of one thousand pounds. It seems like a lot, but imagine everything we can make with tomatoes besides simply eating Continue reading >>

Week 7: July 7, 2017

The Face of Your Food As we get ready to harvest for week seven, we are also busy making preparations for our first dinner that is actually on our farm. Cleaning up things that haven’t been touched in years to try and make this place look presentable. Everyone should have a gathering at least once Continue reading >>

Week 6: July 1, 2017

CSA Participants Our appreciation goes out to all members who adjusted their schedules so we could skip coming into Medford on the Fourth of July. We thought things would be hectic picking everyone’s produce in half the time, but we ended up having so many volunteers that everything was ready in record time. We were Continue reading >>

Week 5: June 29, 2017

Sweet Priorities While we’d love to dwell on the overwhelming amount of precipitation we’ve been hammered with this month and the oddly cold weather we’ve been experiencing, we are focusing on the positive. That said, you should be made aware that there are some crops that are not exactly growing as well as normal and Continue reading >>

Week 4: June 22, 2017

The Growing Gap “To eat well is to eat in a world where everyone is able to eat well.” A line penned by our farming friend, Tony Schultz several years ago in response to “What does it mean to eat well?” Since starting We Grow, we often contemplate how we eat as a society and Continue reading >>

Week 3: June 15, 2017

Finding Balance When you own a farm, the work never ends. There is always something to do. An eighty hour work week is an easy feat because we live at our job. We can work for an hour before breakfast and two after supper and get a few more hours in after the boys go Continue reading >>

Week 2: June 8, 2017

Careful What You Wish What a great first week meeting our new members and catching up with the rest of you! As requested, the weather made a 180-degree turn. Now things should grow. As long as the little plants get consistent moisture. The peppers are in their beds and soaking it up. Corn is in Continue reading >>

Week 1: June 1, 2017

Cool, Wet Start Here we go! This is your first We Grow share for the 2017 growing season. The shares are definitely lacking on several things we had planned, but we still have veggies coming in albeit largely from the tunnels. So in true CSA fashion, we are going to share with you everything we Continue reading >>