Week 4: June 25, 2016

WRONG SIDE OF THE FENCE The pigs have landed and so the fun begins. We couldn’t possibly get new little pigs home without them getting out their very first night. So at 9:00 Wednesday night the whole family was trying to round up two little pigs who slipped right through their electric fence. We have Continue reading >>

Week 3: June 18, 2016

TRIALING SWINE With a dry weather outlook for the next several days, Mr. Farmer has been called to the fields to cut hay. Helping a neighbor cut for their beef cattle operation and then cutting our own which amounts to about eleven acres this first round. Then bailing it all! Some of this hay will Continue reading >>

Week 2: June 11, 2016

FINDING BALANCE We were startled by something in the grass at the end of the cat tunnel this evening. It was brown. Assumed it might be a bunny. Went after it. It was a toad. The biggest toad ever seen on our farm. The same adjective can be used for the garter snake we see Continue reading >>

Week 1: June 4, 2016

EMBRACE SALAD SEASON Here we go – our second year. To our returning CSA members, “welcome back!” New folks, please bear with us as we learn the names and faces of our new members. Please read through your newsletter each week for important information about items in your share and coming up next week. The Continue reading >>

Week 19: October 10, 2015

LOOKING AHEAD The end of our growing season is here. Despite the hot, beautiful weather Mother Nature is giving us this weekend, the garden is officially done! We have started removing all the plastic mulch, irrigation lines and weeds in preparation for next spring. While we get the groundwork done, we are  also setting some Continue reading >>

Week 18: October 3, 2015

THE MESSAGE The message is loud and clear: People want more from We Grow!! With much excitement we are getting things tucked away in the garden in preparation for winter. Not to mention getting a few of those spring crops planted for overwintering. You’ve really got us wound up to move forward! We have big Continue reading >>

Week 17: September 26, 2015

WHEN FALL COMES This has to be the best time of year! Though as a gardening family, spring does rank pretty high. The amazing weather the past two weeks has only made everything that comes along with fall more enjoyable. With the full moon on Sunday night and still no frost, we are starting to Continue reading >>

Week 16: September 19, 2015

PLANTING NEXT SEASON The vines are gone! The cucumbers that came up in early May and provided delicious fruit in so many homes for almost four months are gone, but they will eventually serve a new purpose in the compost pile. It was a priority to get new things planted in the high tunnel before Continue reading >>

Week 15: September 12, 2015

FALL HARVEST This week fall actually is in the air and it is somewhat enjoyable. The apples are ripening for fall cider, the winter squash are hardening for storage, and the last blossoms on the fireweed have turned into white fluff. Eric’s mind is wondering off the farm and into the woods and the pursuit Continue reading >>

Week 14: September 5, 2015

GROWING ROCKS You may have heard an apology for complaining about the cold weather in the newsletter two weeks ago. Several of you said it best, “If you don’t like the weather just wait five minutes.” We actually considered putting the AC unit in the window of our house this week for the first time Continue reading >>

Week 13: August 29, 2015

A BEAN ADDICTION This week you are getting a farmer’s market treat! Fresh cranberry beans. Please, we beg you, find a way to use these little beans fresh in a dish because they really are a short-season treat. Of course, they can be enjoyed all winter long as a dry bean if you insist. We’ve Continue reading >>

Week 12: August 22, 2015

MOTHER NATURE Is there any profession greater impacted by weather than produce farming? We don’t think so. Our entire season rests in the hands of Mother Nature. We’re not talking about having to work in the rain a day or two, that we can handle. Rather the uncertainty of what the weather will bring averaged Continue reading >>

Week 11: August 15, 2015

NEW WEEK, SAME PLAN Last week we had big plans to get new ground worked up and planted. The organic winter rye seed arrived on Monday as planned and we went to “breaking new ground” that evening and broke a weld on our new plow instead. Thankfully, Eric’s brother owns a welding shop so it Continue reading >>

Week 10: August 8, 2015

TURNING NEW GROUND We’re exactly half way through the farm-share season and planning for some variety in the next two months. Some greens we had in the spring that were done by the time our shares started will be making their way back into our kitchen are the weather starts to cool and the days Continue reading >>

Week 9: August 1, 2015

NOTHIN’ BUT SUNSHINE The garlic is out of the ground! Our two high school gals worked with us half the day Wednesday to get all the remaining garlic out of the ground and hanging in the high tunnel to dry. It feels like fall when you start putting things away for winter. But the reality Continue reading >>