Week four already! A few major things are starting to ripen in “taste-test” quantities at We Grow. We savored our first tomato, cucumber and pod peas on Friday. Even better, there might even be a few of these summer delights for our members’ crates. We will see how the week shapes up.
This first variety of tomatoes is called Glacier and came from High Mowing Organic Seeds. Their description reads, “Our earliest variety with good tomato flavor, winning all early-season taste tests. Produces high yields of 2-3 oz. orange-red saladette tomatoes.” We’re very particular about our tomato flavor. Please take time to actually taste your tomatoes, feel the texture. We are going to be sending at least a dozen varieties your way throughout the growing season and we want to know which ones you like the best, so we know what to grow more and less of next year.
We purchased seven rambunctious piglets a week ago. We will be setting up rotational pasturing for the first time. There are some areas we hope to clear the quackgrass from and pigs do an exceptional job of rooting (dig with their snouts) the grass rhizomes from the soil. All seven piglets managed to get out of their pen on Tuesday. It took two days to get everyone back home and in their pen. It’s surprising how fast a pig can run and how well they can hide in the tall grass. We cut and baled the hay all around their pen this week, which made it a little easier to find them. We almost had an early pig roast – darn things!
In your shares, we are about to switch from lots of greens to what we call the “heavier veggies.” In the next two weeks you will start getting more variety like potatoes, onions, zucchini, tomatoes and cukes. We can’t wait! Don’t worry we’ll always keep some lettuce growing for those who gotta have it.
As usual, let us know if you have any questions about your veggies. Continue having fun in the kitchen!
Run ragged by tiny pigs,
Eric & Rebecca
Week Four 2015 Newsletter
Click on the link above to view this week’s newsletter in it entirety including a list of what’s in your crate and what we know about each of these items. Plus, a quote from our youngest farmhands.