Week 19: October 8, 2016

Winter Wellspring This is our final newsletter of the season, so we want to first say “thank you” for an excellent season. We would not be doing this if it weren’t for each one of you! Please don’t stop eating healthy, organic food because we stop bringing it to you. Carry this on through the Continue reading >>

Week 18: October 1, 2016

EXTENDED SEASON As the market season winds down, we have been doing a lot of reflecting on what we improved on this season and what we need to do better next year. We seem to be reliving last season with a lack of late season goods that might have allowed us to extend our season Continue reading >>

Week 17: September 24, 2016

CLEANING THE FIELDS The season is winding down and we starting to feel it around the farm. Amazingly, the weather has been holding out with near summer temps day after day. Our average last day of frost is September 13. And we’ve met that goal many times. Back in August we took a gamble when Continue reading >>

Week 16: September 17, 2016

Rocky History This week, we spent a half a day picking rock in a two-acre field at the west end of our property. We spread manure, disced and planted winter rye in the space with plans to grow a majority of our produce in this “new” area in the spring. The soil in this field Continue reading >>

Week 15: September 10, 2016

Catcher of Rye Farming has been a learn-as-you-go process being neither of us has a farming background. Oftentimes, we simply don’t realize what we are getting into when we get an idea into our heads. From underestimating the necessities involved in making hay to trying to raise animals without a barn. So this week, we Continue reading >>

Week 14: September 3, 2016

Bounty of Generosity This week went by way too fast! What a busy time on the farm to keep up with seeding fall greens, getting end of season goods harvested, and prepping all the fields for next spring. Sounds simple, but that last one is a lot of work. To prep a field, we have Continue reading >>

Week 13: August 27, 2016

The Fall Harvest The Farmer’s Market Customer Appreciation Event was a washout with rain on and off all day, but we still have a lot of fun. Marilyn’s Catering always does a fantastic job prepping samples with the fresh produce we give her, coming up with creative recipes for people to try new things. We Continue reading >>

Week 12: August 20, 2016

Changing Plans “It could be worse” might be every beginning farmer’s slogan. Our fall schedule is being rewritten as more produce succombs to last Thursday’s flooding. We continue to get more rain and we continue to see things perishing in our poorly drained soil in the main field. First it was the tender arugula, then Continue reading >>

Week 11: August 13, 2016

Farm Progress This summer, it seems like whenever it rains, it pours. Literally. It poured on Thursday morning! We received over four inches in just a few hours. Walking around the field that morning, we were amazed at how much of the garden was underwater or a in a river. One of the town road Continue reading >>

Week 10: August 6, 2016

THE HALFWAY POINT Variety is the spice of life. Trying new things keeps life interesting. In the depths of winter, as we mull over our seed list, we contemplate every variety we plan to grow in the coming season. We consider the previous year’s results, we take into account what other farmers recommend and also Continue reading >>

Week 9: July 30, 2016

MAKING CONNECTIONS This week we had a group of high school kids from Prentice come and tour our farm. They are part of a summer gardening class lead by Mr. Quan Banh. We’ve heard of the renowned Mr. Banh from others in our journey to try and integrate our farm into our own school district Continue reading >>

Week 8: July 23, 2016

TRADING TOMATOES Two subjects come to mind we would like to share this week. The first concerns our friends at Red Door Family Farm in Athens who suffered a great loss Thursday morning when high winds destroyed their three high tunnels and a majority of the crops within and adjacent. What a tragedy! As we Continue reading >>

Week 7: July 16, 2016

LIFE’S SURPRISES As our returning members are aware, garlic is an important crop for our farm for several reasons. We sell a lot of garlic at our market stand which equals income, we include it in our CSA shares as much as possible which means more tasteful meals for you, and it is a staple Continue reading >>

Week 6: July 9, 2016

HEALTHY SOIL Entering week six, we are getting excited about all the up and coming produce. The fresh garlic bulbs, green beans, red potatoes, tomatoes… the list goes on. Things are growing so much better than they were in 2015, we are elated with every small success. We actually have too much of some things! Continue reading >>

Week 5: July 2, 2016

BEING A FAMILY FARM It was a pleasantly quiet week at We Grow with pigs staying in their new enclosure on pasture, volunteers heartily tackling weeds every day and no major break downs. We’ve been taking time to reassess what is growing and planning the next few weeks of planting with fall harvests in mind. Continue reading >>