Sold in 1/4 lb bags. Increase purchase quantity to two for 1/2 lb amount or more.
A distinctly different kind of Asian green, tatsoi is a small, spoon-shaped green that delivers a unique flavor experience. A stocky plant similar in texture to bok choy or pac choi. The low-growing rosettes are comprised of tiny, glossy spoon-shaped leaves that boast crisp and juicy mouth-feel.
Tatsoi is known as one of the richest sources of vitamin C and it is replete with other incredible vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting compounds! Its glossy and tender leaves pack 2 times as much vitamin C as that of an orange and twice as much calcium as an equal serving of milk! Tatsoi also boasts glucosinolates (which science shows are converted to cancer fighting compounds in the body) and carotenoids, which promote eye health.